Finding Beauty
I've always been interested in why people make decisions rather than the actual physical output.
It's really beautiful to see a shimmer of a fresh or surprising intent within the output a project.
For example, seeing a long, well developed side story in a game, that is hidden away behind a secret passageway that hardly any players will find- all for the sake of a build-up of a silly pun in the end.
All that work, effort, time and skill- for what purpose? A joke? And one that hardly anyone will see?
Surely, this person must be enjoying life in a particular way that I cannot see yet, and I wish to engage in this alien perspective more.
It makes me feel shiny, playful and new.
Often too, seeing the same author or artist's output in different projects, you'll be able to see that same rather particular glimmer.
Surely, the true worth of my searching lies beyond the physical creation, and maybe with the creator?
As I travel and find beauty in this creator, I find out of a similar perspective within myself. One that I've not nurtured as much, and that I wish to nurture more.
After opening my heart to this sensitivity, my eyes open to see more beauty. I start to see beauty within other works that I've viewed before, but never seen their beauty.
I travel and travel again, searching for this vivid, exciting beauty, and I start to connect more with more of the universe.
More perspectives from people from other spaces.
More perspectives from people of different ages.
More perspectives from people of even a different time!
My eyes can definitely perceive more now, but are they even close to being fully open?
Despite this, I love what I'm seeing :)

I started studying Philosophy to learn about precise definitions. I wanted to be able to talk about particular higher intellectual and creative ideas I had that I found resonated with almost every person who I particularly loved chatting to.
I found with my friends or with artists online that we would all understand and agree on base level concepts but for some reason in every conversation we would have to have a 10-30 minute discussion on agreeing on the base level concepts and barely get to touch on the really sweet beautiful new concepts that these guys had. That is, unless we got chatting for hours.
There’s definitely value in the comfort of everyone agreeing on base ideas to start, especially when these base ideas are for some reason so controversial in working society or with our families, like not trying to turn everything you do into profit, or taking a break sometimes. I just think it would be nice if we were all able to just have a consolidated dictionary of words and concepts that we understand everyone agrees upon and we could skip that base level discussion at every meet up.
I say this because the time I spend with my friends can be rather short and when we seek advice from each other we often find ourselves just tripping upon the exact same problems. Like for example, starting to do a project that you love and not knowing why you feel a sense of conflict midway through it. Or figuring out how to have an impact on the systems of society around us. Or just understanding who you are. There is definitely a hopeful outlook to these all, of course! I definitely believe in that for you. But that’s not the point I’m focused on right now. The point is, we can move our discussions from a more tired and base level on these topics to a discussion of higher fidelity. It’s like how you learn to talk about really cool ideas on topics like neurodivergency and gender when you accept new definitions. I wonder what we can learn from each other going on from here with these more general ideas of life like Love, Freedom or Wisdom.